viernes, 17 de junio de 2022

Career related website 

I really think that my favorite website related to my career is a YouTube channel ,i know what you say “youtube is t  related to architecture” but the channel it is, because the owner is an architect, his name is Ter, i love her and i love  his  videos , in this videos she talks to us in a very funny way about the architecture and the life in general , she relates the things she sees and lives with different parts of architecture giving her a funny and a deep vision of everyday things such as music, pop culture and books, Ter has an impressive ability to make me laugh, I highly recommend her if you like a little the architecture and if you dint have interest for that I also recommend because it’s so funny and interesting the way she tells his stories, and I don’t know why but when his video ends I always smile , I think maybe is the It's the way he ends them , this is the link if you are interested:

1 comentario:

    potential improvements in fau Hello, cybernauts!  In this space, I want to delve into reflections on potential improvements in the arc...